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How to Relate to the News with Jay Michaelson

Practices for resilience, balance, and keeping the heart open.

Although we recorded this interview back in September 2023, it could not be more timely. It is, in fact, about the times, about the news of the world as it comes in via our screen and newspapers, and whether there are practices that can support a more healthy relationship to that news. Our guest is Jay Michealson, writer of

, who is both an excellent journalist (he appears regularly on CNN and other media outlets) and a fine meditation teacher and director of programming at New York Insight Meditation Centre.

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Jay guides a practice to first notice how we’re being impacted by the news – not trying to change how we feel – and then backing up into a place of compassionate not-knowing, a place of humility about what might happen in the future, about what’s going on inside other people’s minds, even about our own certainties.

Such a good conversation! We talk about the balance of internal care and external service, environmental activism and inaction, about realism grounded in science, and much more. Thank you Rabbi Jay!

Let us know in the comments how Jay’s practice connects with you.

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And now: Join us for The Afterparty… 👇

The Afterparty

Where we chat about certainty, playfulness, the spiritual practice of journalism, and everything else we didn’t get to say in the episode.

The Afterparty will eventually move behind ye olde paywall, but for now, it’s free for all :)

If this episode tickled your adventure-loving fancy, consider sharing it with a friend


Thanks for tuning in! See you next week.

Love always,

🧘🏽‍♀️ Tasha & Jeff 🧘🏼‍♂️

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The Mind Bod Adventure Pod
The Mind Bod Adventure Pod
Join hosts Jeff & Tasha as they explore the world of practice, one adventurous guide at a time.